What to do in the event of an accident
If you've been involved with an accident, it can be very overwhelming and stressful. We have outlined a few FAQs and useful information on what to do in the event of an accident. We are here to make the process as hassle-free and straightforward as possible.
Q. What do I do in the event of an accident?
Stop at the scene of the accident
Inform the police if any injuries have occurred as soon as possible. Do not attempt to move seriously injured parties. Make other traffic aware and gain assistance if required.
Do not admit liability
Regardless of who is to blame, do not admit liability. If you do, you could invalidate your insurance.
Get driver and car details
Take down as many details as possible including the driver’s name, address, phone number and insurance details as well as vehicle details and extent of damage. Obtain witness details (where relevant and where possible to do so).
Note the accident details
Record details of the time, date and location of the accident as well as traffic flow, weather conditions and visibility. Take photographs where possible, make notes or sketch the road layout as well as vehicle positions, approximate speeds and the position of witnesses where relevant. Contact Southdown Bodyshop for further assistance and advice on 01444 254910.
Q. Do I have to use my insurance company's authorised repairer?
You have the right to choose who repairs your vehicle. Your insurer may advise you to use their Approved Repairer but, as the policy holder, the final choice remains with you. All insurers have an obligation governed by the FSA to 'treat customers fairly'. Make sure your vehicle is repaired to the highest standard by choosing Southdown Bodyshop to handle everything for you.
Q. Will all the damage I have pointed out be completed?
When dealing with insurance claims, we are only able to undertake the work that has been approved by the insurance company that is paying for the repairs. If you aren't satisfied with the technician's decision, you should contact your insurance company immediately.
Q. Will you carry out any other work I would like doing at the same time?
Yes. It is cost-effective to have additional work carried out at the same time as other repairs. Please contact us or get a quote for any extra work you would like undertaken.
Q. Security systems?
It is sometimes necessary to disconnect batteries and/or remove wheels to enable us to carry out repairs. Please ensure you have supplied us with any radio code, alarm/immobiliser code, key or control unit and locking wheel nut key to avoid any delays.
Q. What about my excess?
Should your insurance policy carry a compulsory or voluntary excess, you will be required to pay this amount directly to us. The excess amount may differ if a driver other than the policy holder was driving the car at the time of the incident.